Tumescent liposuction

plastic surgery

If people don't eat right and gain weight, each fat cells becomes larger. Lipo reduces fat cell diversity in specific places.

The patient's size is best described by the patient's BMI or body mass index. The BMI is calculated using the patient's height and weight in a complicated formula. The BMI is a universal metric for determining a patient's overall size.

Lymphedema, also known as lymphedema, is a long-term or chronic condition where excessive fluid or lymph accumulates within cells. This can lead to swelling and edema. Edema is most commonly seen in the legs and arms. Liposuction is sometimes used to reduce swelling and discomfort.

plastic surgery

plastic surgery

The length of time it takes to accomplish your high-definition liposuction operation is directly proportional to the patient's size or BMI. It's reasonable to anticipate that the larger the liposuction area, the longer it will take to remove the fat.


History of cool sculpting

traditional liposuction

Dry liposuction refers to the removal of fat without injecting any fluid. This technique is rarely used today. Higher risk of bleeding or wounding.

Several targeted locations of liposuction will directly impact the amount of time it takes to perform the procedure. All areas of concern are treated with high-definition liposuction and body sculpting. The abdomen, armpits, arms, upper back, middle back, lower back, flanks, lateral thighs, medial thighs, calves, and neck are examples of all-inclusive regions. However, not every patient requires treatment in all of these areas. As a result, the cost of your high-definition body contouring will be affected by the number of places treated.

Ultrasonic assisted liposuction uses ultrasonic power and tumescent fluid to melt and heat subcutaneous fat. This makes it possible for fat to be removed much faster. UAL may need larger incisions which can leave fewer marks. However, larger incisions may be more effective at removing fat faster. UAL can be particularly helpful in removing excess fat from the neck, upper abdomen and sides.

traditional liposuction
cosmetic surgery procedures

cosmetic surgery procedures

Lipo is used primarily for aesthetic purposes, but it can also be used in some cases to treat certain conditions.

The treatment will not reduce cellulite, dimples or stretch marks. The treatment is purely cosmetic. It's for people who want to alter and enhance their body's contour.

VASERlipo (r). VASERlipo (r). This ultrasonic version is liposuction that breaks down fat cells for more natural extraction. You can either use it under local or general pain. It can be used to treat love handles, thighs, or other areas. This is a great way to reduce excess fat in the flanks and back.

weight loss

Lipo is a popular cosmetic treatment in America. Lipo can be purchased for between $2,000-$3500.

BMI or patient size

Many people are concerned that the fat could "comeback" after liposuction. After the fat cells are removed, there's no reason to worry about them coming back to your body. You will see results for a long time because fat cells cannot grow back. It is possible to maintain your newly formed body by eating well and exercising often.

Tumescent liposuction
weight loss
unwanted fat
unwanted fat

VASERlipo (r). VASERlipo r is a variant of ultrasonic liposuction. It loosens the fat cells and allows for a more natural removal. It can be performed under general or local anesthesia and may be used anywhere on the body including the love handles or thighs. This technique may be more effective for removing stubborn fat such as those in the flanks and back.

The applicant must be in good physical condition, at least 18 years of age. Liposuction should not be performed on people with impaired immune systems, poor blood circulation, and diabetes mellitus.

Skin can be damaged by tingling, infection and scarring. Excess fat can cause the skin to become lumpy, or indented. The extent of the fat removed will determine the risks.

fat transfer


The tumescent treatment is applied directly to the fat area via tumescent lipo. The amount of solution used is typically 2 to 3 times the amount of fat being eliminated. This causes fat cells swelling, which makes it easier to reach the fat cells for removal. It also minimizes trauma to other cells. This technique is possible because it uses only local anesthesia, reduces blood loss, pain, speeds recovery, and provides smooth results.

These include the following:

fat transfer